Day 2 and 3 Update

Hello families and friends!

It has been two very full days here in Ethiopia.

On Monday, the team helped lead a VBS and visited two other ministries in the area. The VBS for the Hope for the Fatherless kids was a great experience. It was great to meet the kids who up to this point had just been a picture to us. One of the standouts of the first day was hearing the kids sing the HFTF song that TJ and Connor had written for them. We hope to have pictures and maybe video of that up sometime soon!

We also visited Children's Haven and Selamta . Children's Haven works specifically with girls. It seeks to empower them by giving them community, teaching them Biblical based morality, improving their confidence, and helping fund and support their education. We had a chance to spend time playing and worshipping with many of the girls and it was an amazing experience. The next ministry we visited was Selamta. They adopt children from the government orphanages and place them in 'families' made up of other orphans under the care of a house mom. These become very real families for these kids. It was great to hear their story and see other ministries that are fighting the orphan problem in Ethiopia.

We finished the day with a night at an Ethiopian cultural restaurant. It was good to eat tasty food and view/take part in some Ethiopian dancing.

Day 3 was another full day. We did another VBS in the morning with the kids at Hope for the Fatherless. In the afternoon we got a chance to go to the government run orphanage. It was a valuable and terribly sad look at what Hope for the Fatherless is fighting here. It was heartbreaking to see the suffering of such young children. If you have a moment please pray for children in the orphanage and for the ministries here fighting for orphans of the city.

After saying one last goodbye to the kids at Hope for the Fatherless, we are prepping to leave for Uganda early in the morning. Please pray for safe travel, no luggage hassles, and plenty of energy to start serving the Youth For Christ team in Uganda.

Thanks for you prayers and support!



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